Sunday, May 24, 2020

La licencia de manejar para indocumentados en Illinois

Illinois es uno de los estados que permiten a los  los indocumentados  sacar la licencia de manejar. Estos son los requisitos y los pasos que debes seguir.   Esta licencia de manejar recibe el nombre de Licencia Temporal para Visitantes y se le conoce como TVDL, sus siglas en inglà ©s. Paso 1:  Reunir la documentacià ³n necesaria Se necesita probar: Nombre y fecha de nacimientoVeracidad de tu firmaDomicilio actualResidencia en el estado de Illinois por al menos doce mesesCambio de nombre, si lo hubo, como por ejemplo en casos de matrimonio Nombre y fecha de nacimiento Es obligatorio tener UNO de los siguientes documentos: Pasaporte del paà ­s de uno que no puede estar expiradoTarjeta consular de Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala o Mà ©xico. Si eres de otro paà ­s y tu consulado tambià ©n emite una tarjeta consular, verificar con la Policà ­a del Estado de Illinois si la acepta como prueba de identidad. Firma UNO de los siguientes documentos sirve para probar la veracidad de tu firma: Certificado de chà ³fer cooperativo (Cooperative Driver Certificate)Contrato de hipotecaContrato de prà ©stamo a plazosI.D. emitido por el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos o por un estado o una entidad local oficial.Licencia de manejar de otro estado que no està © expiradaOrden de una corte en la que conste tu firmaPasaporte de tu paà ­s sin expirarTarjeta consularTarjeta de crà ©dito tipo Amex, Visa o Master CardTarjeta electoral mexicana Domicilio actual Debes probar que has vivido en tu vivienda actual por al menos 90 dà ­as (tres meses) con anterioridad al dà ­a en que haces la aplicacià ³n para la cita para la licencia de manejar. Por ejemplo, si te has mudado a tu domicilio actual el 24 de septiembre de este aà ±o, debes esperar hasta el 23 de diciembre para poder aplicar.   Es obligatorio que tengas DOS  de los siguientes documentos en el que de algà ºn modo conste tu direccià ³n actual: Calificaciones escolares o de la universidad (report card)Carta que te ha enviado una universidad o collegeCarta que te ha enviado una institucià ³n oficial del gobierno federal, estatal, del condado o localContrato de alquiler (rentar) de la vivienda (lease)Contrato de hipoteca o de compra de la viviendaDeclaracià ³n sobre pensiones o jubilacionesExtracto bancario (bank statement)Facturas mà ©dicas o declaracià ³n de beneficios sanitarios.  Factura del servicio de agua, basura, gas, electricidad, telà ©fono o cable (utility bills)Factura de haber pagado la cuota de la universidad o collegePà ³liza de seguro como propietario de la vivienda o como inquilino de la misma (tenant)Recibo de exencià ³n tributaria sobre la vivienda principal (homestead exemption receipt)Reporte sobre tu historial de crà ©dito emitido por Equifax, Experia o TransunionTarjeta consularTarjeta del servicio selectivoTranscripciones escolares, que tienen que estar certificadas Si ahora no tienes dos de esos documentos, examina cuà ¡les puedes conseguir y solicà ­talos. Recuerda que hasta que transcurran 90 dà ­as desde la fecha que va a figurar en los mismos no puedes utilizarlos para probar que efectivamente vives en la vivienda que dices que es  tu domicilio actual. Probar residencia en el estado de Illinois Tienes que demostrar que has vivido en Illinois por al menos doce meses (un aà ±o) antes de aplicar para la licencia. Para ello tienes que tener UNO de los siguientes documentos: Calificaciones escolares o transcripciones, en este caso certificadasCorreo oficialEscritura de compra de la vivienda, alquiler o hipotecaFacturas mà ©dicas o de declaracià ³n de beneficiosFacturas de pago de cuotas universitariasPensià ³n o jubilacià ³nPà ³liza de seguro como inquilino de una vivienda o como propietarioRecibo de exencià ³n tributaria para vivienda (homestead exemption receipt)Utility bill de la electricidad, basura, gas, telà ©fono, cable, etc.    Si llevas mà ¡s de un aà ±o viviendo en la misma casa, la misma factura de la luz, por ejemplo, sirve para probar residencia en el estado por mà ¡s de 365 dà ­as y tambià ©n residencia actual. Para asegurarte lleva contigo a la cita una factura antigua y otra reciente. Cambio de nombre Si por cualquier razà ³n como por ejemplo, por matrimonio, el nombre actual y el que figura en tu pasaporte o en tu tarjeta consular no coinciden deberà ¡s probar el cambio de nombre o apellido mediante UNO de los siguientes documentos: una orden judicialcertificado de matrimonio Segundo paso: concertar una cita Una vez que te has asegurado que tienes todos los documentos y que cumples los plazos (particularmente el de haber vivido en Illinois por los à ºltimos doce meses), entonces debes hacer dos trà ¡mites: En la actualidad en todas las oficinas excepto Chicago North y Chicago West se puede ir sin concertar una cita previa. Sin embargo para Chicago North y Chicago West sà ­ es necesario y se hace: Marcando al telà ©fono gratuito 855-236-1155 o por internet. Sà ³lo se puede hacer para uno de las  oficinas del Departamento de Vehà ­culos de Motor especialmente designadas para manejar las peticiones de licencias TVDL.Rellenar la  planilla de verificacià ³n de residencia. Se trata de hacer constar el historial de dà ³nde has vivido en los à ºltimos doce meses. (Cuando se renueve la licencia, dentro de tres aà ±os, ya no serà ¡ necesario hacerlo, ya que sà ³lo es un requisito para cuando se solicita por primera vez). Tener en cuenta que en la actualidad no puede acudir a las oficinas para este trà ¡mite ni en los dà ­as sà ¡bado ni en los dà ­as domingo. Tercer  paso: preparar la cita Antes de acudir a la oficina debes asegurarte: de que tu vista està ¡ bien o que tienes los lentes correctosde que te has estudiado para el examen teà ³rico de la licencia de manejar. En la pà ¡gina oficial del Departamento de Vehà ­culos a motor puedes descargar gratis el libro para que si no sabes conducir, has tomado las clases suficientes para poder pasar el examen prà ¡ctico. Los menores de 20 aà ±os necesariamente tienen que haber ido a una  autoescuela. Cuatro paso: en la oficina del Departamento de Vehà ­culos de Motor Esto es lo que va a pasar: Un empleado examinarà ¡ que llevas toda la documentacià ³n necesaria. Si es asà ­, te darà ¡ un nà ºmero y esperarà ¡s por tu turnoCuando te llamen un empleado examinarà ¡ de nuevo los documentos e introducirà ¡ los datos en la computadoraFirmarà ¡s la aplicacià ³n y, junto con los documentos presentados, serà ¡ todo escaneadoPagarà ¡s $30 por la tramitacià ³n de la licencia de manejar y $5 si deseas que tambià ©n sea và ¡lida para manejar motosSe te tomarà ¡ una foto y firmarà ¡s en un aparato para que quede constancia digital de tu firmaTe harà ¡n un examen de visià ³nTomarà ¡s el examen escrito. Puede ser en inglà ©s, espaà ±ol o incluso en otros idiomasTomarà ¡s el examen prà ¡ctico de manejar en carreteraSi has aprobado se te darà ¡ un recibo que sirve como constancia de haber hecho todo el proceso pero que no sirve para manejar.   Como puedes imaginar, todo eso va a llevar su tiempo, por lo que es mejor que ese dà ­a no tengas prisa. Quinto paso: la licencia Empleados del estado verificarà ¡n que toda la informacià ³n y documentacià ³n que les has dado es la correcta. Sà ³lo en ese caso se procederà ¡ a imprimir tu licencia de manejar que te llegarà ¡ por correo en el plazo de entre quince y veinte dà ­as laborales. Si la licencia no es aprobada recibirà ¡s una carta explicando el motivo, quà © debes hacer, si es que puedes hacer algo y un nà ºmero de telà ©fono para solicitar mà ¡s informacià ³n. Con la licencia en mano tienes que saber que: Es un permiso para manejar que es de carà ¡cter temporal, igual al que el estado emite desde el aà ±o 2005 a los inmigrantes o visitantes legales que no tienen un nà ºmero de seguro  social. Por ejemplo, familiares de titulares de ciertas visas de trabajo temporal. La TVDL sà ³lo es và ¡lida si tienes tambià ©n un seguro de auto. Es un requisito indispensable. Estas licencias son de un color distinto a las que se emiten, por ejemplo, para ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales. Serà ¡n và ¡lidas por un periodo de tres aà ±os. 90 dà ­as antes de su fecha de expiracià ³n deberà ¡s renovarla.   La TVDL  no està ¡ diseà ±ada para ser utilizada como identificacià ³n. Por lo tanto no se podrà ¡ utilizar para abrir una cuenta de banco o para volar, ya que no se admitirà ¡ en el aeropuerto como un I.D. Tampoco se podrà ¡n usar para comprar un arma ni, por supuesto, para votar. Incluso antes de manejar en otro estado habrà ¡ que verificar si es posible, ya que dependerà ¡ del lugar. A tener en cuenta Si tienes una licencia de manejar que conseguiste con un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social falso el procedimiento a seguir es llamar a la oficina del fraude al 217-782-7604. Se harà ¡ una investigacià ³n y no podrà ¡s manejar por doce meses. Despuà ©s de esa suspensià ³n podrà ¡s aplicar por una licencia temporal para indocumentados. En un principio, las autoridades del Departamento de Vehà ­culos a Motor no comparten la informacià ³n con ninguna otra agencia del gobierno, y en eso se incluye inmigracià ³n. Pero si reciben una peticià ³n legà ­tima para que compartan informacià ³n, la darà ¡n. Si tienes una licencia internacional de manejar, ten cuidado porque puede que sea un fraude y no sirva para manejar. Si se tiene una licencia del paà ­s de uno, à ©sta sà ³lo se puede utilizar legalmente por 90 dà ­as a contar desde el dà ­a que se comenzà ³ a residir en Illinois. Finalmente, en el primer aà ±o en el que se autorizà ³ a los indocumentados en Illinois sacar la licencia de manejar, se aprobaron aproximadamente unas 85 mil. Sin embargo, se hicieron 190 mil solicitudes. Esto quiere decir que hubo muchos casos en los que no se aprobaron.   Para evitar estos problemas asegurarse de que realmente se cumplen los requisitos. Si no, serà ¡ negada. Derechos de los trabajadores indocumentados Las leyes del salario mà ­nimo tambià ©n aplica a los indocumentados. Entà ©rate de cuà ¡l es el pago por hora en tu estado, cuà ¡les son las excepciones y quà © se puede hacer si no te pagan lo que te corresponde de acuerdo a la ley. Finalmente, es muy conveniente informarse sobre aspectos que afectan muy directamente a la comunidad de migrantes indocumentados, como por ejemplo, las posibilidades reales de regularizacià ³n de la situacià ³n y otros temas que afectan a los inmigrantes sin papeles como las nuevas prioridades de deportacià ³n por orden ejecutiva de Trump. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Technology And Its Impact On Society Essay - 2064 Words

Growing up, thinking for yourself was a prominent idea that was often drilled into our minds. Parents, teachers and friends wanted you to think of your own ideas and be able to talk about them in depth. But as time has gone on, there has been much less emphasis on personal thought. This may be due to the shift in our reliance on technology. Since technology is used more than ever, we have access to an immense amount of information. But just because we have access to a lot of information, doesn’t mean that we completely understand it all. Accepting information only for what you see or hear, might hinder the truth because it could come from a bias source. Also it is often difficult to understand something when you haven’t gone through it. For example, you could read about the apartheid in South Africa, but you would never completely understand the history and reasoning behind it unless you experienced it. This is why traveling and learning about other cultures is so impor tant. When the information and experience is right in front of you, you have the ability to process it and understand it completely. Since you physically experienced the culture there is no doubt that the information you were presented with was true. You end up walking away with a new understanding of a city or country that was completely new to you. This is one of the many things I hope to gain from studying abroad. I also hope to learn about another country’s culture and think critically about other’sShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Society : Impact Of Technology On Society1511 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Technology has impacted people, businesses and society as a whole. The roles that technology has played on communication, business and education have been more than impactful. As the power of computers continue to increase with help from databases, social networking and businesses, it adds an increase to office productivity compared to using typewriters, and filing cabinets. Although there are plenty of good things about technology, the way we use it determines if it impacts are positiveRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Society : Technology1281 Words   |  6 PagesImpact Of Technology On Society Technology, without a doubt has an impact on society. As a matter of fact, we experience this impact in our daily lives. The evolution of technology has dramatically changed the way we think, with the rapid new advancements being made with each passing day, to the tremendous opportunities it provides us with. It has an effect on the growth of our culture, living standards and our economy. At the end of the day technology plays a significant role in almost all fieldsRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1302 Words   |  6 Pages Technology Dominates Society How has technology affected the everyday life of society today? Is society as social as it use to be before everyone had access to an abundance of technology? Many people believe that the answer to those questions are that society is less social and technology has had a negative impact on humans today. As technology progresses bounteously society begins to rapidly decline. The ways society is negatively impacted socially mentally and emotionally will be analyzed. Read MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Society1291 Words   |  6 PagesSociety has always been impacted by technology. Each invention has affected how people relate to one another and how cultures have expanded or ended. Technology impacts how cities grow, where people live, and who owns what. Technologies are the reason a few people are very rich, that people are more social, and that teaching, and learning is changing. We are at a crucial time in history where educators can make a difference in how our students interact with one another and make a place for themselvesRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1198 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology is used on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. Technology simplifies life in so many ways and everyone defines technology in their own way. They’re new types of technology on the market, this technology simplifies our da ily lives. They’re endless demands as consumers of technology, people use technology to accomplish simple tasks every day. Technology’s used in business, educationRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1087 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology is one of the biggest advancement in the history of our universe, and the powers of it are good and bad. People mainly gain from the use of technology and its many uses. Without technology today, the world would be a much, much different place because of the major setback in communication and other activities and resources. The things that technology impacts are family, education, and health. Family is one area technology impacts life in general. â€Å"88% of Americans adults haveRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1343 Words   |  6 PagesFrom over ten thousand years ago to what is now the Information Age, technology has grown significantly and affected not just one individual, but the whole world. The creations of technology have rapidly evolved to where humans depend on technology. They use it for their daily needs and this evidence shows these creations are a stepping-stone for future endeavours. The innovations that several people have created revolutionised the world in a major way from a light bulb and crossbows to an airplaneRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1525 Words   |  7 PagesThe technology is creating a generation capable of communication and understanding different cultures and belief. The technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose. It machinery and equipment developed from such as scient ific knowledge. Humans have lived for thousands of years without any technology in small hunter gatherer communities, but now we have all of this technology and the population on Earth has exploded and will not stop anytime soon. â€Å"Society seems enthralledRead MoreTechnology And Its Impact On Society1596 Words   |  7 PagesSociety has become dependent on technology and it now plays an important role in many people’s lives. Try imagining your life without technology. If the internet, mobile devices, and games were taken away from us, how would we feel? Many people would feel like a part of their lives are missing due to technology now being a necessity in their everyday life. It would be very different from what we are comfortable with today. The truth is, many people rely on technology to get them through the dayRead MoreTechnology and Its Impact on Society1082 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology and its impact on society In this paper I will talk about the topic that technology will eventually destroy the entire civilization, since people are greedy and the revenge of nature. Technology s advantages and disadvantages are a subject of constant discussion. Those who are against technology have the opinion that technology harms people and will ultimately ruin human civilization. Threats to the environment are pollution, resource depletion, greenhouse gas, and nuclear power abuse

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Perspectives on Writing by Different Authors Essay

Writing is a broad topic. A topic as broad as writing leaves loopholes and room for those who choose to of express themselves. This expression can be completely voluntary, such as a job or hobby, or involuntary, such as writings assignments for students. Yet no matter the profession of the writer, there is a common ground for all. Writing can be an art for some or a gained skill for others. No matter the interpretation, there will be hardships while writing, like writer’s blocks and numerous drafts. The moral of this is that writing is a task for all. (Recognizing that writing is a messy/painful/imperfect: shitty first draft- child.. Diaz) People use writing as a form of conversation between people. The writers start that conversation.†¦show more content†¦I rather have more evidence and pages to mold then having to restart over and over again. As Lamott puts her process of writing in her essay, she expresses how you just have to get something down on paper before you can even think of achieve anything. The best way of expressing this is through multiple drafts: the first draft as the down draft, the second as the up draft and then the third being the dental draft (303). The way to break down this is thinking that these are the stages of writing. They are not simple, but more delicate. The more work you apply and the more shaping to your essay, they closer to the end product you get. For my essays, I try to draft and draft and draft. To me, the constant editing allows old claims to be strengthened and new ones to de identified. As Lamott says to write and write, Junot Diaz, the author of â€Å"Becoming a Writer†, highlights a different aspect of writing that is just as painful as continual writing. Diaz, through narrating his own process of one of his pieces of writing, expresses the pain he felt during his writer’s block. He recalls the process stating, â€Å" I wrote and I wrote and I wrote but nothing I produced was worth a damn† (Diaz 319). He viewed his writer’s block as a burden. Yet, it may have seemed like that, but it gave him the opportunity to go back over what was written and tear that apart. In doing so, he could really understand and know what he wanted to write about. IShow MoreRelatedHow Does Writing Necessary Writing?1408 Words   |  6 PagesThoughts and language are the foundation that is required to create writing. Writing is a unique form of expressing thoughts. Even children can express their thoughts in words, and call their work a piece of writing. Howev er writing should be used as a way to express worldly views. Writing should be used to explain, to share, to provoke. The simple concept of thoughts on paper can influence generations, and create meaning. Everything from the Bible, to the Declaration of Independence has influencedRead MoreCompare and Contrast Two Short Stories975 Words   |  4 Pagesare two of the most unique and effective stories. They share both similarities and differences throughout. Comparing and contrasting the way the authors use their inimitable writing style to achieve their intentions in the story will give us more idea how these stories are alike and distinct. In a way, these two stories are similar because both the authors had carefully chosen the words they used in order to tell the relationship between characters. In ‘Chemistry’, the line â€Å" Then one day--it mustRead MoreCompare and Contrast Two Short Stories975 Words   |  4 Pagesare two of the most unique and effective stories. They share both similarities and differences throughout. Comparing and contrasting the way the authors use their inimitable writing style to achieve their intentions in the story will give us more idea how these stories are alike and distinct. In a way, these two stories are similar because both the authors had carefully chosen the words they used in order to tell the relationship between characters. In ‘Chemistry’, the line â€Å" Then one day--it mustRead MoreSteps to Becoming a Critical Thinker in the Textbook, Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths848 Words   |  4 Pagescritical reader, and it challenges us to think critically. To understand well what critical thinking is, the introduction divides into different sections to comprehend how to be a critical thinker steps by steps. The author provides some tips for college students to read actively by taking notes and writing comments. In order to be a critical thinker, the author emphasize reading is significant and to read deeply approach to critical thinking. (Change) Translating into college, it requires enormousRead MoreHow First Person Narration Affects The Overall Story939 Words   |  4 Pagesstories, Biographies, Fantasy, Poetry, and so on†¦ First of all, what is First person narration? The first person narration is ‘The Story is told by a character that participates in the action of the story itself. First person Narrative is used by an author who wants a personal/subjective/intimate point of view’. In this essay, I will discuss the ways that first person narration affects the overall story which contains many things like Plot, settings of the story, Characters, the point of view, toneRead MoreHow Does The Refrigeration Be Considered An Artificial Cold Person Can Not Live Without?1372 Words   |  6 PagesCan the refrigeration be considered as an artificial cold person cannot live without? Many different authors had the ability to write effectively where it might be important and useful writing skill for the authors to possess. In the beginning, Steven Johnson’s who was a British-American, and he had published a book called, â€Å"How We Got to Now.† In the novel, Johnson presented six- part series where it had amazing explored legacies that passed on great ideas. In each of the chapter titles had sixRead MoreA Of The White City By Erik Larson1426 Words   |  6 PagesDivision of Penguin Random House LLC, published it. The audience that the author wanted to inform would be adults to young adults because of the writing style and the storyline that may have been a bit gruesome for a younger audience, but it may have been for anyone who wanted to learn of this event in history in a less formal way as well. The Devil in the White City consists of two different story lines or viewpoints from two different characters—Daniel Hudson Burnham, the protagonist of the novel, andRead MoreAnalyzing The Writing The Size Of A Bible 1257 Words   |  6 Pages2016 Preliminary Writing Assignment Every writer has a different way of shaping his or her elements of writing, the different skills they possess in shaping those elements of writing differ from author to author. The best skills are the ones that get a person where they need to be to accomplish the highest amount of beauty within’ their writing. Fortunately, I have possessed some skills within’ my lifespan as those who write encrypting essays and marvelous works. In my writings, I tend to fall deepRead MoreHow Does The Reading Affects Us On The Individual Level Essay906 Words   |  4 PagesComing into UCWR 110, I never had a class that focused strictly on writing and techniques for writing different papers. Throughout the semester, the growth in developing main ideas, thesis, and analytical analysis has improved. From this class, the growth in writing has not only improved not only writing skills, but the reading involved in the class has presented itself in different mediums, as well as different genre s and topics, all adding to a more holistic approach to rhetoric. So from here,Read MoreSanta Ana Winds Comparison Rhetorical Analysis1079 Words   |  5 Pagestopic, the winds of Southern California. In a first person narration the authors write of the wind from her own experience of living in California and from her own perspective, shedding light on two very different aspects of the Santa Ana winds. Physically, both pieces of literature are different. Each story reflects its own writer as â€Å"The Santa Ana† has lengthy paragraphs, chock full of information. Didion is an American Author known for her literary journalism and use of logos. At a glance of the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Investment Psychology and Discipline †

Question: Discuss about the Investment Psychology and Discipline . Answer: Investment Psychology Every investors objective to investing is to earn high interests or dividends. Investment Markets are unpredictable and investors need to keep cost low and a working strategy for long term investment success (Yang Wagner, 2014). It requires an investor to maintain and have psychological discipline to make rational investment decisions. Psychological discipline is important for avoiding or minimizing bias when making investment decisions. Investors with psychological bias make decisions based on their emotions rather than reason. An average human behavior to investment is influenced by herd mentality and the bull and bear market that hinder making of rational decision in the stock price though peaks and trough (Maheu, McCurdy Song, 2012). The herd mentality makes investor to follow what others are doing in the investment market forgoing their independent thoughts (Dang Lin, 2016). The bull market make investors to think in optimism thereby buying a stock that eventually lead to the stock being overpriced. On the other side, bear market is characterized with investors pessimism that leads to share price losing in the stock market value. The share prices are not static and keep changing. The peak share price is the highest price while trough is the lowest price of a stock at a specified period of time. An investor should buy shares at trough and sell them at peak to minimize cost of buying and maximize the price of disposing thereby earning a high interest. The following paper with discuss three companies that I choose to invest in. These companies are Amazon Inc, Google Inc, and Dominos Pizza Inc. The paper will discuss their financial history and current standing, reasons to invest in the companies both emotional and logical and a comparison to each companys competitor. The paper will also outline prediction of the companys future performance. Inc Amazon is a cloud computing and electronic e-commerce company with head offices in Seattle Washington. Amazon started it operations in 1994. The company is the largest internet retailer measured by market capitalization and revenue in the globe. Amazon sells products online that include books, software, video games, furniture, food, toys, apparel, jewelry, consumer electronics, and cloud infrastructure. The company also offers shipping services to their customers in different countries. Amazon is listed in the NASDAQ stock exchange and it trading name is AMZN. The company stock price is US$1405 as at 6th April 2018. Amazon had total equity amounting to $27.709 billion and assets amounting to $131.31 at the end of 2017 financial year. The company recorded revenue amounting to $117.86 billion in 2017 financial year from $89 billion in 2014 FY. Amazon has a share volume of 5882 257 trading with $6.15 earnings per share. Amazon past peak price was $1617.54 while the trough was $884.49. Amazon close competitor is Alibaba Group Holding. Alibaba is a multinational ecommerce, AI, internet, retail, and Technology Company. Alibaba is listed in New York Stock Exchange and trading name is BABA. Alibaba stock price is $172.07 compared to Amazon stock price of $1405. The company total equity in 2017 FY was $48.33 and it revenue amounted to $ 23.82 billion. Alibaba revenue increased by 23% in 2016 financial year while the stock price increased by 79% from 2014 financial year. Amazon is a good company to invest. First, Amazons has a high revenue of $177.87 billion compared to it close competitor Alibaba which recorded $23.82 in 2017 financial year. The Amazon Stocks value also increase by 192% as compared to Alibaba which increased by 79% from 2014. Secondly, there is an increasing trend to use internet for purchasing product. This trend will enable the company to increase its sales and revenue thereby increasing return on capital. On the other side, Amazon is led by the founder. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos knows the company intimately and is likely to care about the company performance more than any other person. A Company led by founder tends to outperform in the stock market (Chen Vincent, 2016). The CEO also owns 78.89 million shares that are 10.1% of the company. The CEO interests are therefore aligned with investors interests. The Amazon stock price will therefore increase as a result of stock demand in the stock market and company sales performance Dominos Pizza Inc Dominos Pizza Inc is a pizza restaurant headquartered in Ann Arbor in Michigan. Dominos was founded in 1940 and has grown to be the biggest pizza seller in retail sales worldwide. The company operates involve food delivery, franchising and restaurants. Dominos products are chicken wings, pasta, pizza, dessert, and submarine sandwiches. The company is led by David Brandon as the chairman and Patrick Doyle as the CEO. Dominos Pizza is listed in the New York Stock Exchange and trades under the name DPZ. The company stock price is $231.46. The company recorded revenues that amounted to $2.79 billion in 2017 FY. The total equity in 2017 FY was $1.88 billion. The revenues increase from $1.8 billion in 2013 to 2.79 billion in 2017. The company past peak for 52 weeks is $236.93 and trough price is $166.74 ("Topic: Domino's Pizza", 2018). The Dominos Pizza Inc close competitor is McDonalds. McDonalds is an American restaurants dealing with fast food and was found in 1940. The company is listed in the New York Stock Exchange and trade name is MCD. McDonald stock price is $161.25 as at 6th April 2018. The company revenue reduced from $28.11 billion in 2013 FY to $22.82 billion in 2017 FY. McDonald past peak for 52 weeks is $178.70 while trough is $129.52 ("McDonald's Corp.", 2018). Dominos Pizza is attractive company to invest fund. First, the company revenues have been increasing for the past 5 year as compared to its competitor McDonald whose revenues have been decreasing. The company share price is at peak. Therefore the company revenues, financial metrics, current valuation, and dividend growth show that Dominos is a good long term investment (Frank Sanati, 2015). On the other side, Dominos Pizza Inc has loyal customers and an increasing customer attraction will increase the company sales and revenues (Bouville, 2016). Therefore, Dominos Pizza stock value will continue to increase in the future offering investor higher returns on investments. Google Inc Google is a multinational technology business that specializes in internet services and products. The company products include search engine, online advertising technologies, software, cloud computing and hardware. Good was founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page and was it IPO was done in 2004. Google ranked as the most valuable brand in the globe. Google is led by Larry Page as the CEO. Google is listed in the NASDAQ stock exchange and trading name is GOOGL. Google stock price is $1007.04 as at 6th April 2018. The company recorded revenues amounting to $111.02 billion in 2017 FY that had increased from $59.73 billion in 2013. Google had total equity at $152.50 at the end of 2017 FY. The company past peak for the 52 weeks is $1186.89 while the trough is $817.02. The company earnings per share stand at $17.96 ("Alphabet Inc. Cl A", 2018). Google close competitor is Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation is a multinational technology company that has its headquarters in Washington. The company manufacture, develops, supports, licenses, and sells personal computers and software, consumer electronics and services. The company is listed in the NASDAQ stock exchange and it trade name is MSFT. The company stock price is $90.23. Microsoft past peak was $97.24 and trough was $64.85. Microsoft Corporation recorded revenues amounting to $89.95 billion in 2017 FY from $77.65 billion in 2013. There are several reasons to choose Google for investments. Google revenues have consistently increased for the past five years. The upward trend in increased sales will increase the company earning and stock value. Secondly, the company has attractive valuation and reliable growth. Google is the most valuable brand in the globe and it consistency in increasing sales will increase the company stock value (Distinguin, Hasan Tarazi, 2009). Google Inc is an innovative company that periodically unravels new products in the market. This will enable the company to maintain market leadership in online technologies. Lastly, adoption of online advertising by many businesses will increase the companys revenues in the future (Yang Wagner, 2014). Therefore, Google Stock Price will increase value in the future making it a good investment option. Conclusion In summary, investment markets are unpredictable that can lead to loss or gain of invested funds. Investors psychological bias is a barrier to successful investment. Investors need to separate their emotions with reason when making investment decisions. From the analysis of three companies in the write-up, Amazon has the highest stock price, followed by Google Inc and then Dominos. Amazon and Google have a large stock price variance with their close competitors. It is therefore recommendable to invest in Amazon as the first priority, Google Inc the second and lastly Dominos Pizza as the last. References Alphabet Inc. Cl A. (2018). MarketWatch. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from Bouville, M. (2016). When Investing in Stocks, The Long Term Starts at Three Decades. SSRN Electronic Journal. Chen, Y., Vincent, K. (2016). 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